I pause in posting excerpts from the book by T. W. Hunt to share a personal comment reflecting what I have learned by over 20 years of apologetics research and writing. I wish to address the question what it means to be “in Christ.”
Joyce Meyer has described being “in Christ” as being transplanted from one pot or vase where a plant is not thriving, even dying, to another one in which the roots of the plant can thrive, extending deep into nutritious soil to bring new, strong, fruitful life to the plant. Through the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ resurrected repentant believers have an intimate, personal communion restored with the indwelling Holy Spirit as Counselor and Helper. Consider what life on earth could be if we live completely by the Counsel of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the life that Jesus Christ lived while He was on earth. He lived totally by the Counsel of God the Father, even to His death by crucifixion, so all mankind has the gift of redemption and promise of eternal life! No, as long as we mere humans are “bound” to our earthly bodies, we cannot live totally by the Holy Spirit because of our fallen human natures. But the indwelling Holy Spirit restored to us in repentance is an “already but not yet” reality. We are blessed to experience the spiritual life in Christ in our space-time, and we look forward with Hope to the promise of an eternal life in the presence of Jesus Christ, no longer susceptible to the fleshly death of living in the absence of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
It is my prayer that the information I have shared in my books and many blogs gives validity and meaning to living “in Christ,” able to live in a bidirectional, personal communion with the Holy Spirit made possible by God’s created neural synaptic networks, a dualist interaction unique to human beings, the crown of God’s creation.