I have discussed with extensive documentation the dualist interaction we have with the Holy Spirit in repentance thanks to the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross to restore the indwelling of His Holy Spirit in repentant believers. We are witnessing in our time how certain Muslims are having dreams that are bringing them to the acceptance of the Truth of Jesus Christ as their Savior. Looking back at Scripture we see how God has acted on the perceptual apparatus of humans as He does even today. Hunt discusses this reality through the experience of persons in the Old Testament and of two persons to whom the resurrected Jesus appeared prior to His ascension, one of whom was Cleopas:
“Jesus now approached these two on the road [to Emmaus], but He did something He had not done with any of the women - He held their eyes so that they would not recognize Him. The word used is a strong word (krateo), indicating that God ‘laid hold of’ their perceptual apparatus. In the Old Testament, when Elisha’s servant was frightened by the Aramean army that surrounded Elisha, Elisha prayed and God ‘opened’ the servant’s eyes to see the Lord’s chariots of fire surrounding them (2 Kings 6:17). Later the Lord caused the Aramean army to hear chariots and horses that did not exist (2 Kings 7:6). God does operate on our perceptual apparatus as it suits His purposes.”
These comments speak to the dualist interaction that we can have with the indwelling Holy Spirit in our time as it has been documented in Scripture. Yes, we can pray TO God the Father, but we also can HEAR FROM Him. Our perceptual apparatus is becoming more understood as neuroscientists examine the mechanisms of the synaptic networks of the human brain and how they are accessed to transmit specified information.