I post excerpts from Hunt that gives believers a goal in Christ:
“Jesus was sensitive to His Father in the utmost degree. He said, ‘I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught me’ (John 8:28). He claimed to see what the Father was doing, to hear what the Father was saying, and to do nothing independently of the Father. He devoted Himself to reflecting the mind of the Father, and His reflection was exact.
“As the Father is to the Son, so Christ is to us. He imitated the Father; we imitate Christ. He saw the activity of the Father; we pay close attention to the known earthly activity of Jesus (and, for that matter, also to His present activity). He heard from the Father; we must hear from Him. The Father taught Him; He teaches us. He could do nothing independently of the Father; we cannot function independently of Him. He was very close to the Father; we must remain close to Him.
“The opposite of will is instinct (by instinct I mean unwilled reactions). Major or life-changing decisions are not a problem with animals. With human beings, the will is that part of our mind over which we have control. ‘We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ’ (2 Cor. 10:5). The will enables us to obey in spite of feeling. Often we cannot control our emotions, but we always have control over the will. Our identification with Christ must begin here or not at all.”
I pray that the information I have shared in my books and blogs gives compelling reason to believe that we can and do hear from the Holy Spirit in our time, reflecting the intimate, personal communion that existed between the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a communion restored to believers by the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ who lives. I have explained this communion in the context of dualist interaction.