Minds in communion, a reminder

Today in church the speaker emphasized our need to learn to hear the voice of God. I have shared that the indwelling of repentant mankind by the Holy Spirit is a reality today, a reality that did not end with the closure of the biblical Canon as some have believed. I have cited writings of authors who give instruction on how to hear from the Holy Spirit. I have drawn extensively from the literature of neuroscience to explain dualist interaction between the immaterial mind of Man and the material synaptic networks of the brain. Advances in the neurosciences are making dualist interactionism compelling as a process, so that we can be confident that indeed we can be in bidirectional personal communion with the Mind of God through His indwelling Holy Spirit. By the boundless love of God we are offered redemption with the renewal of our souls by the sin sacrifice paid by His Son, Jesus Christ. Upon His resurrection He sent the Holy Spirit as promised before his crucifixion, to live within us as Counselor and Helper. I will continue to post in my blogs findings from the neurosciences that address the “how” of dualist interaction between the Mind of God and the mind of Man. Thank you for your interest.

Stan Lennard