In my blogs, especially the blog in three parts entitled “Waves in Our Brains,” I have shared how waveforms transmitted through the brain’s neural synaptic networks have amplitude, frequency and shape. Scott R. Cole and Bradley Voytek published an article in Trends in Cognitive Sciences entitled “Brain Oscillations and the Importance of Waveform Shape” ( The authors shared that neural oscillations are assumed to have sinusoidal shapes, but in their article they showed “that there are numerous instances in which neural oscillations are nonsinusoidal.” They posit that these features “may provide crucial . . . physiological information related to neural communication, computation, and cognition.
It is remarkable, even inspiring, to realize how our Creator God established the capacity in the brains of humans to process semantic, specified information within neural codes learned over a lifetime, archived in memory and interpreted by the immaterial human mind, created in the Imago dei.