Waveform effects on neurostimulation

Aquiles Parodi and Jin-Woo Choi published an article in Electronics in 2019, Volume 8, p. 1344, that relates to the current consideration of waveform effects on neural stimulation. It is entitled, “A Pulse Generation Circuit for Studying Waveform Effects on Neurostimulation.” I am including a number of excerpts from their article:

“Electrical stimulation has demonstrated capabilities to alter the compound action potentials and long-term potentiation behavior of complex neural networks, even at low stimulation intensities, via an effect termed neuromodulation. Neuromodulation has been observed at all levels, from individual nerve cells to brain regions, including the synapses. . . . This effect is thought to arise from action potentials (APs) that are modulated as they propagate through individual nerve cells, depending on the nerve cell’s properties at the level of the soma, axon, and transmembrane proteins. This modulation can be enhanced or inhibited with neurostimulation. . . . Stimulation waveforms have been studied for their effects in neurostimulation. These include square or rectangular, exponential, ramp, sinusoidal, triangle and Gaussian waveforms.” These authors focused in their studies on the effects of signal shape on neurostimulation and have observed that “waveform shape has an effect on electrical stimulation outcome.”

Aspects of neural activity influenced by stimulation, in this case waveforms, have been addressed in both my books and in more recently posted blog posts on my website. I have presented preliminary evidence in previous blog posts that the immaterial, cognitive mind of humans has the capacity to generate waveforms that interact with the material components of the brain’s synaptic networks. The role of quantum tunneling has been included in these discussions, along with the recently defined potential role of quantum potential energy coupled with kinetic and potential energy in synaptic transmission. I repeat my proposal that the process of quantum tunneling constitutes the “non-material energy” identified by investigators such as William Dembski.

I am copying a lengthy excerpt from this article to show the complexity behind the generation of spike trains of action potentials and synaptic transmission that carry encoded information to effect various actions. It is our Creator God who designed these complex features with the ultimate Purpose of establishing intimate, personal communion with the crown of His creation, Man, by the power of His Holy Spirit. It is this dualist interaction that has been the focus of my own research.

“Design of stimulation waveforms is difficult, due to the diverse options and requirements for each anatomical stimulation target, the undetermined long-term effects of neurostimulation, the diversity of tissue, organ, and patient-level reactions, the unknown neural mechanisms involved [the focus of my studies], and the unknown side effects of stimulation methodology, including electrode type. The parameters of electrical stimulation waveforms, such as the amplitude, width and frequency of stimulation, have been shown to affect prosthetic sensory information in the vestibular nerve, the rate of excitation of individual nerves and nerve bundles, and the spatial selectivity within the bundles. Additionally, differences in stimulation waveforms, the polarity of current and direction, electric field shape and direction, and the temporal pattern of stimulation have been shown to have effects on the outcome of stimulation.”

We serve and worship an awesome God!

Stan Lennard