Warren M. Grill has studied the effects of stimulation waveform on the energy efficiency of neural excitation. His objective is to “understand the biophysical mechanisms underlying the effects of extracellular stimulation on neurons.” [This has been the focus of my own studies over the last 20 years, addressed in my two books and in blog posts on my website.] He continues stating that “Two important considerations when selecting or designing stimulation parameters are selectivity and efficiency. Selectivity is the ability to activate the targeted neural elements without activating the non-target neural elements. . . . Efficiency is achieving the required level of neural activation or response to achieve clinical efficacy with the minimal amount of stimulation. . . . The selectivity and efficiency of neural stimulation are dependent on the choice of the stimulation waveform.”
We see that multiple variables must be considered by the researchers to study biophysical mechanisms that exert effects on neuron stimulation. Our Creator God controls all these variables being uncovered over time by investigators to interact with the human spirit and soul! It is my judgment that God is allowing these kinds of studies to reveal to us how He communes with us! I continue:
Grill has learned that “the stimulation waveform shape can also be manipulated to increase stimulation selectivity between activation of the targeted neural elements and activation of non-target neural elements, and thereby increase the dynamic range between therapeutic effects and unwanted side effects [to the ultimate benefit of Man!] . . . . the energy required for stimulation is indeed dependent on the shape of the stimulation waveform, and highlight the importance of using an appropriately complex model to analyze the effects of waveform shape on neural excitation. . . . [there is an] optimal waveform for a particular application.”
In his concluding remarks Grill states that “the parameter space for electrical stimulation of the nervous system is extremely large, and the design and selection of stimulation parameters to achieve a desired response is a challenging problem” [giving testimony to the infinite power and intellect of our Creator God who designed these parameters for His purposes to achieve His desired responses in us!].