Wave forms of the immaterial mind

In many of my blog posts I am discussing wave forms that are under intensive study by neuroscientists, including so-called traveling waves. It is difficult to find work that acknowledges, or even considers, the role of the immaterial cognitive mind in generating the wave forms which transmit specified information along coherent synaptic networks to achieve tasks. material reductionism still reigns rather dominant in that literature, and the human mind is equated with computer metrics and algorithms instantiated in the brain.

As I have asked in my books and some blogs, so what? Why am i spending time researching this category of neuroscience literature? My response is that our immaterial minds and the brain’s material synaptic networks which allow humans to communicate, to move and to create are the creations of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. That man uses this medium to commune opens the door for the holy spirit to use it as well, acting as our Counselor and helper. it is important that i document this dualist interaction to the best of my ability, drawing upon an accumulation of evidence and abductive reasoning, both valid scientific methods that can draw upon laboratory evidence. in so far as i am successful, it is my hope that this activity will draw people into the kingdom of god when they understand that god still desires a personal communion with us and has created the path by which that happens in our time.

Stan Lennard