Cognition and traveling waves

I have discussed traveling waves in previous posts and want to present information from an article by simon makin entitled “‘traveling’ waves may be critical for cognition.” This presentation is a prelude to a much more recent article I will soon discuss that shows the significance of traveling waves in cognition.

makin states that “many neuroscientists have assumed that if brain waves do anything, it is by oscillating in synchrony in different locations [a topic i have also addressed]. yet a growing body of research suggests many brain waves are actually ‘traveling waves’ that physically move through the brain like waves on the sea. now a new study from a team at columbia university led by neuroscientist joshua jacobs suggests traveling waves are widespread in the human cortex - the seat of higher cognitive functions - and that they become more organized depending on how well the brain is performing a task. this shows the waves are relevant to behavior, bolstering previous research suggesting they are an important but overlooked brain mechanism that contributes to memory, perception, attention and even consciousness [functions of an immaterial mind]. . . . jacobs . . . thinks the waves propagate information,” for example in working memory. stand by for my upcoming blog that will discuss the recent work in 2021 of vishnu sreekumar and coworkers.

Stan Lennard