Spiritual nature of the basic life problem

Jabay continues with compelling comments about the basic problem in human life:

“The movement of the Holy Spirit accurately discerns the spiritual nature of our basic problem in life. Most charismatics, following the teaching of that most unusual Chinese Christian, Watchman Nee [I cite Nee in my books, a man whose writings provided guidance to my research], affirm the biblical teaching that man is composed of spirit, soul, and body. Modern psychology ignores man’s spirit, because the behavioral scientists are so completely absorbed in the study of man’s soul (intellect, will, and emotions) [and I have pointed out in my blogs how neuroscience is focused on material reductionism, that all expressions of the soul are based entirely in the physiology of the brain]. We are encouraged to develop our soulish powers by which to assert our mastery over life. Watchman Nee correctly discerned that this is the very worst mistake man can make. What we need is not soul-development but for our dead human spirits to be brought to life and joined by the Holy Spirit. We cannot really be helped until we are born of the Holy Spirit. Once our spiritual need is met by the Holy Spirit joining Himself to our spirits, a sure foundation for emotional health is laid. What this means is that the problem with man is basically spiritual rather than psychological or genetic or environmental. We are human spirits who need the [indwelling of the] Holy Spirit. When ‘he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him’ (1 Cor. 6:17), the basic life-problem is solved. How simple!”

Stan Lennard