Jabay has compelling comments about egoists:
“This is the basic problem with all egocentrics: we lack the power to deliver ourselves from the power of evil. This is why we must turn away from the pseudoreligionists and the psychologists and turn to the God of all power. This God - this God of all power - has a name. He is the Holy Spirit. Many egoists, when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired, ask for and receive the Holy Spirit and His power. That old obsessive fascination with power now leads the weary egoist straight to the source of all power in the Holy Spirit. So thank God for our power-hungry egoism! But praise Him even more that the Holy Spirit is today dramatically filling our need for the power to be delivered from the Kingdom of Self. God is again revealing to us that the Holy Spirit is abundantly powerful to bring us into the Kingdom of His Son, Jesus Christ. Just look around and see what is happening today. The Holy Spirit is falling upon God’s people all over the world. A new Pentecost has come upon us as thousands upon thousands are receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I rejoice to participate in the current charismatic revival. Why? Because I am a devotee of the divine person who possesses all power - the Holy Spirit.”