Our hunger for communion

In Chapter Six of my second book, The Boundless Love of God: A Holy Spirit Story, entitled “Our Hunger for Communion Today,” I cite discussions by Calvin Miller who has given confirmation that the plan of God has always been to have an intimate, personal, bidirectional communion with Man. Miller stressed the importance of seeking union with the Holy Spirit in our inner being. We learn how to listen in silence for his counsel so we can grow in righteousness and in obedience by his power as mentored by the life of Jesus Christ. Miller emphasized that the holy communion of prayer is “two-way.” Meaningful communion with God through the Holy Spirit is not only a voice but also an ear. Listening is the most valuable part of prayer. Our focused silence is key to blocking out the inner and outward chatter, or noise. The Holy Spirit wants us to be open to him, and our silence is a door for him to enter into our souls. Our silence is an ear for us to hear, and we have seen the beauty within the linguistic neural codes transmitted through synaptic networks that give “voice” to his counsel.

Stan Lennard