Divine beauty

I will make several posts taken from a beautifully written book, Scribbling in the Sand, by Michael Card. The posts will relate to points I have made in my two books and in my blog to date. I have been discussing the compelling reality of dual interactionism between the Mind of God and the mind of Man, and it is important to see the beauty God created within the neural synaptic networks that enable this loving communion.

[God’s] relentless movement toward us, his romantic reaching out to Christ, embodies a beauty that is beyond words. Our God is beautiful in all his ways; it is a part of his perfection. This divine beauty has been woven into the fabric of creation, in the massive stars, inside the submicroscopic balance of the atom [and in the synapses that enable mankind’s cognition]. Though we will only ever grasp his beauty in the most finite and rudimentary way, as creatures before a Creator, still it can be enough to incite an unconscious but uncontrollable desire to respond, to make our own personal world beautiful in its own way, to worship.

Stan Lennard