In my more recent blog posts and books I have discussed how wave forms transmit specified information in neural codes through coherent synaptic networks. There is increasing evidence that wave forms are generated by the immaterial cognitive mind of humans to bring about certain actions.
Doug rubino and associates published an article in Nat neurosci, 2006, dec;9(12):1549 that addresses this activity studied in monkeys. It is entitled “Propagating waves mediate information transfer in the motor cortex.” The authors report that oscillations in the beta range are active in the motor cortex during motor preparation. They also found that “these oscillations propagated as waves across the surface of the motor cortex along dominant spatial axes characteristic of the local circuitry of the motor cortex. . . . high-frequency oscillations may subserve intra- and inter-cortical information transfer during movement preparation and execution.”
It is my ongoing objective to share documentation in my blogs that the immaterial mind has the capacity to generate such wave forms, reflecting dualist interaction between the immaterial mind and the material components of the human brain. As i have suggested in earlier posts, such data opens the door to the reality of how the mind of god interacts with the mind of man.