I conclude my posts taken from Dr. john d. jones’ article with his comments on what is required for happiness:
“all humans desire happiness (well being). but perfect well-being requires a complete absence from any evil or defect. perfect happiness cannot be attained in this life since we are never free of evil and defects in this life. we desire happiness to abide - that is continue uninterrupted. the object of our desire that satisfies happiness must be itself eternal and unchanging. so just as if we are to have genuine knowledge, we must apprehend an eternal and unchanging object if it is ever to apprehend the truth free from the possibility of error, so only God can satisfy our desire for happiness since only god is perfectly good and unchanging. moreover our desire for happiness can be satisfied only if we have some sort of existence beyond this present life. since ‘nature does nothing in vain,’ we can conclude that we have a life after our death. if we didn’t our natural desire for happiness would be naturally frustrated.”
and in our lifetime god desires a personal bidirectional communion with his Holy spirit and has created the means by which this is possible in our time and into eternity.