Holy Spirit and Pentecost

Ryrie comments on the activity of the Holy Spirit in Old Testament and in New Testament times:

“The ministries of the Spirit in relation to people in Old Testament times were not always the same as that which He does today for people. Pentecost marked the beginning of certain distinctive and significant differences, although we should not conclude that His ministries were rare or sparse in Old Testament times. When we speak of the Spirit ‘coming’ at Pentecost we do not mean that He was absent from the earth before then. We mean that He took up His residence in believers [Italics added] at Pentecost although He was present always before (obviously, since He is God).”

That the Holy Spirit indwells repentant believers in our time accounts for His dualist interaction with us, that the immaterial Holy Spirit interacts with the immaterial human spirit and soul through His created neural synaptic networks discussed in my books and blogs. Yes, we can pray to God/His Holy Spirit, but we are blessed to hear from God/Holy Spirit, a bidirectional interaction. The Holy Spirit dwells within us, within our minds giving counsel and help to our souls so that we become more Christlike, manifesting the fruits of His Spirit.

Stan Lennard