Biblical inspiration by the Holy Spirit

Ryrie makes compelling statements concerning the inspiration of the authors of Scripture by the Holy Spirit:

Biblical inspiration may be defined as God’s superintending human authors so that, using their own individual personalities, they composed and recorded without error His message to man in the words of their original writings in the Bible. . . . Such an inspired record could only have been given in words and not merely thoughts, for there is not any genuine or accurate thought communication without its being conveyed in words [I have discussed in my books and blogs how specified information is transmitted via codes, specifically linguistic codes, within the spike trains of action potentials in neural synaptic networks] . . . . behind the human writers was the divine author of revelation, the Holy Spirit. Peter, referring to Old Testament prophecy, declared that ‘men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God; (2 Peter 1:21). The agents were men; the source was God; and the single author moving the human instruments was the Holy Spirit. The word moved indicates that the Spirit bore the human writers along as He directed their writings.’”

Stan Lennard