Immateriality of the psyche

Mikhail Reshetnikov is a Meritorious Scientist of the Russian Psychoanalytic Institute who argues for the non-materiality of the psyche. He developed an hypothesis of the brain as having a biological interface with mental activity, the psyche, which transmits information. In his 2018 article, “Non-Material Theory of the Psyche: Historical Prerequisites, Argumentation and Practical Implications,” he “compares the brain with the computer hardware, on the one hand, and the psyche with the software, on the other.” This is a common analogy. Specified information emanating from a mind is encoded within spike trains of action potentials and transmitted through coherent synaptic networks, a topic I have discussed in my books and several blogs. He states in his article that “academic science is currently viewing information as a non-material factor, so that only its carriers (biological, paper, electronic etc.) are material.” He went on to state that “it is not true that the nervous system controls the psyche but rather the psyche controls the nervous system including the central nervous system.” His points are consistent with many that have been cited in my writings. He includes a saying taken from the scientific community, “However much effort you put into dissembling the radio, you won’t find the music inside!” And music is a beautiful and creative form of specified information.

Stan Lennard
Nonmaterial energy and the quantum trigger

My research continues, focusing on the mechanisms of synaptic transmission and ultimately how they interact with the immaterial mind. I have identified a few “loose ends” that I will be addressing in my next blog posts. These include the following: just what is a quasiparticle; how does it relate to quantum tunneling and the immaterial/nonmaterial energy of the cognitive mind; what is its role in the stimulation of synaptic transmission; what is the role of ionic channels in this process, focusing on calcium ionic channels and how calcium ions function in the release of synaptic transmitters; and finally I will discuss the “trigger” for synaptic exocytosis that was identified by John C. Eccles and Friedrich Beck. In my books and in several blogs I have given variable degrees of attention to each of these topics, but I will endeavor to bring them all together functionally so an understanding of synaptic transmission is obtained by the reader (and myself!). Ultimately I will endeavor to present more compelling evidence for dualist interactionism between the immaterial mind and the synaptic networks of the human brain, an elaborate process created by God by which we have bidirectional communion with the Mind of God.

Stan Lennard
Linkage of mind and brain

Danko Georgiev wrote an article entitled “A Linkage of Mind and Brain: Sir John Eccles and Modern Dualistic Interactionism,” published in Biomedical Reviews, 2011: 22: 81-84. I am posting quotes from that article that relate to points I have shared in my books and blogs.

The author shared that the nature of the mind-brain relationship is poorly understood. He states that “the roots of the problem lie within the causally closed deterministic structure of classical materialism.” In his article he discusses “how the quantum dualistic interactionism proposed by Sir John Eccles could resolve these problems.” I have provided much evidential support for dualist interactionism in my writings and have included support for an open indeterminant universe, components of which are governed by quantum mechanics. Georgiev states that “the behavior of elementary physical particles [is] inherently indeterministic so that one cannot predict exactly the future state of an individual particle, only the probability with which [a] given future state could occur. The dynamics of individual quantum particles is governed by a wavefunction. . . . The indeterminism in quantum mechanics stems from the fact that when the particle interacts with other particles only one of the possible states is actualized.” Indeterminism allows quantum components to be open to influences outside a classical material universe, including an immaterial cognitive mind as I have discussed in my writings.

“Sir John Eccles, who won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse, was one of the first who understood the importance of quantum mechanics for resolving the mind-brain problem.” He proposed “that mental events can cause brain events.” According to Georgiev “it is possible to construct a theory in which mind and brain states interact: the brain state produces deterministically a mind state after which the mind state makes an indeterministic choice from multiple possible alternatives and selects a future brain state.” In his concluding remarks the author acknowledges the increasing number of neuroscientists who think that quantum theory supports dualist interactionism as proposed by Eccles. He states, “Attestation for that are the plethora of recent models based on the nanoscale organization of the neurons in which the mind states can affect the brain through quantum effects.” He refers to “the experimental verification of quantum tunneling for hydrogen transfer in enzyme-catalyzed reactions, quantum quasi-particle assisted folding of proteins and microsecond quantum coherence in the retina” permitting navigation by the sensing of Earth’s magnetic field by certain birds. I have presented data confirming electron transfers in synaptic transmission.

Stan Lennard
Synaptic transmission, proposal summarized

In my two books and selected blogs I have presented discussions of the mechanism of neural synaptic transmission. I emphasize that the mechanism is under active investigation and is most complex. I will not post any discussion of the mechanism as being substantiated by neuroscientific data, but like other investigators I am willing to offer proposals based upon what is currently known. In the following blog I am posting a proposal in general terms. As my research continues, I will modify it as new data is forthcoming. Fundamental to my research is the demonstration of concordance between neuroscience and Scripture where communion between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit, soul and brain are concerned. We can commune with God via prayer, and we can also receive communion from Him in our time through His created synaptic networks. It is a bidirectional communion that gives glory to our Creator God.

The cognitive mind has the capacity to generate wave forms with specific amplitudes and frequencies. The wave forms constitute an immaterial, or nonmaterial, aspect of energy that enables information transmission to and through the material synaptic network components of the human brain. It is a dualist interaction between immaterial and material entities, as has been presented in my books and blogs. Information specified with meaning, purpose and intended action is generated by the cognitive mind (including the Mind of God, the ultimate Source of all information), and the “causal glue” that links specified information with the brain’s synaptic networks is this immaterial energy that is distinct from the classical electrochemical energy of action potentials.

Through a lifelong process of learning neural codes are generated for every action and intention. The codes are stored in neural modules as memory, for example within the modules of the supplementary motor areas of the frontal cortex. The codes have intrinsic amplitudes and frequencies and serve as detectors that can link with the input of wave forms generated by the cognitive mind that have the same wave characteristics. By synchronizing with additional modular neurons sufficient energy is probabilistically exerted via quantum tunneling in ionic channels and the vesicles of presynaptic terminals to generate action potentials at postsynaptic junctions. Quantum tunneling serves as the “trigger” for the transmission of neurotransmitters across synaptic clefts so that spike trains of action potentials are transmitted through coherent synaptic networks. Direction is given to their trajectories by this process so that intended actions result by the action of stimulated nerve and motor receptors.

In my most recent blog posts I have given mention to Bohm’s quantum potential, Q. Bohm considers it “mind like,” consisting of “active information.” I have shared that information transmitted through neural synaptic networks is only generated by an immaterial mind which assigns specificity to it with meaning, purpose and intended action. The information is encoded within the patterns of wave forms and ultimately the spike trains of action potentials. What might be the role of Q, the quantum potential energy, that is distinct from potential and kinetic energy and is proposed to act at synaptic junctions? It has been suggested that it reduces the height of the potential energy at barriers so that wave forms can be transmitted through potential barriers without an expenditure of energy, thereby preventing a violation of the law of conservation of energy. This action permits the generation of an action potential at the postsynaptic junction when wave forms with specified amplitudes and frequencies are successfully transmitted. Again, that wave forms are detected by modular wave forms with the same or very similar amplitudes, frequencies and also shapes establishes synchrony between multiple wave forms having sufficient energy to generate action potentials in specific regions of the brain. The process determines the direction for the trajectories of encoded spike trains. Information is transmitted through specific synaptic networks so that intended actions occur.

the mechanism for synaptic transmission is most complex but efficient, reflecting an intelligent design that permits dualist interaction between the Mind of God, the mind of Man and the human brain. I hope this proposal summary contributes to an understanding of the wonderful process of minds in communion.

Stan Lennard
Critique of Bohm's "active information" in quantum theory

In my books I have referenced Paavo Pylkkanen’s work. In this blog post I will discuss points he has made in his article, “Implications of Bohmian Quantum Ontology for Psychopathology,” presented in NeuroQuantology, March 2010, Vol. 8, pp 37-48. Specifically, I will discuss points he makes about Bohm’s proposal that “active information” in the ontological interpretation of quantum theory plays a role as a bridge between mind and matter. Pylkkanen states that “some such bridge is needed if we are able to understand how mental processes are able to influence physical processes in the brain. . . .”

Bohm postulates that “an electron is a new kind of entity that has always both a particle aspect and a wave aspect. . . that the electron is a particle always accompanied and guided by a new type of field . . . [that] contains something he calls “active information”. . . . The field gives rise to a potential, which Bohm called the “quantum potential,” [or Q in his mathematical equations]. . . . the field literally IN FORMS (or puts form into the energy of the particle”, giving direction to its trajectory. “At the quantum level information . . . actively guides the movement of particles.”

Bohm states that the quantum potential, Q, itself consists of “active information” and is “mind like,” and the question is asked how this information content acts upon matter. Pylkkanen states that “in the context of the human mind we could speculate that information contained in mental processes and conscious experience is carried by some subtle medium,” in this case the quantum potential. Thus, information is reduced to a quantum entity rather than being generated by a mind, a point made in my books and recent blog posts. Bohm wrote in 1990 “that which we experience as mind, in its movement through various levels of subtlety, will, in a natural way ultimately move the body by reaching to the level of the quantum potential and of the ‘dance of the particles.’ . . . some kind of information is the bridge” between the mind and matter. In contrast, I have cited Dembski who identified energy as the “causal glue” between information and matter, and information can only be generated by an immaterial mind. Bohm “suggests that minds are very subtle but adds that it is a mistake to assume that minds are entirely non-physical. . . . every mental process has a subtle physical aspect which carries the information that is part of the essence of that process.” And the “physical aspect” resides in the quantum potential, Q.

I have asked IF the immaterial cognitive mind can interact with Q (if it truly exists) to give direction to the trajectory of wave forms generated by the mind and transmitted as encoded spike trains of action potentials through synaptic networks via quantum tunneling. Pylkkanen states, “By controlling the shape of the quantum field, the ‘mind’ can control the movement [and direction] of particles, such as electrons.” Pylkkanen looked for sites in the brain “where amplification of quantum effects is likely to play a role in determining more macroscopic neural behavior (e.g. resulting in the activation of motor neurons). He and his associate Hiley “considered Beck and Eccles’s quantum model of synaptic exocytosis from the point of view of the ontological interpretation. We wrote there: ‘. . . [the] action of the quantum potential effectively reduces the height of the barrier to increase the probability of exocytosis. Thus we could regard the ‘mind-field’ as initiating a subsequent neural process which finally activates the motor neurons to produce the outward behavior. In this sense, active information is merely the trigger for the usual classical processes that follow the gating of ion channels.” However, Eccles and Beck considered quantum tunneling as the “trigger” for exocytosis. Specified information with meaning and purpose resided within encoded spike trains of action potentials transmitted through synaptic networks. Information is not the trigger.

Stan Lennard
Action potentials and wave generation

In my blog posts I have provided data that suggests how nonmaterial wave forms may act to trigger the transmission of encoded information within spike trains of action potentials across synaptic networks through quantum tunneling. It is a process that would involve electron transfers within ionic channel and synaptic vesicle protein components that would release neural transmitters from vesicle pores to traverse synaptic clefts and stimulate action potentials at postsynaptic structures. I have discussed this process in detail in my books and in several blog posts, highlighted in the blog series entitled “Waves in Our Brains.” In more recent posts I have presented data that indicates the generation of wave forms by the immaterial cognitive mind that transmit encoded information to and through receptor synaptic networks. Investigators in neurophysiology are getting closer to confirming dualist interaction between the immaterial mind and the material components of the brain’s synaptic networks.

I refer the reader to an article by Alexandra Pinto Castellanos entitled “Wave to Pulse Generation. From Oscillatory Synapse to Train of Action Potentials,” October 18, 2018. In the article the author posits how neurons have the capacity to transform information from a digital signal at the dendrites of presynaptic terminals to an analog wave at the synaptic cleft and back to a digital pulse when the acquired voltage for the generation of an action potential is achieved at the postsynaptic neuron. The author proposes that the action potential signals are smoothed at the synaptic cleft to create an oscillatory wave with the same frequency as the originating action potential train. She states, “Once the wave has acquired enough amplification after a process of synchronization, the postsynaptic axon responds to this [analog] wave input by generating a [postsynaptic digital] pulse train” with the same frequency but less amplitude. The result is the transmission of the same information flow frequency through a synaptic network.

Detail is presented by the author to explain the process. I note that there is no consideration of a nonmaterial wave form in the process, which I propose functions by quantum tunneling within specific synaptic structures. Rather an electrical signal is converted to a chemical oscillatory wave within the synaptic cleft that is subsequently converted back to the electrical signal of an action potential.

I call the reader’s attention to this particular article to show how waves are now being considered to account for synaptic transmission. It is a challenging problem, especially to understand how the immaterial mind can and does affect the material mechanisms of the synapse. I will be posting additional blogs as I obtain studies that are investigating this complex process by which specified information is transmitted through the human brain.

Stan Lennard
Spirit covenant

In Isaiah 59:21 the Lord declares the following covenant to His chosen people, showing that He communicated directly TO his people as I have endeavored in my writings to justify that He does in our time and how that may happen:

“As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever,” says the Lord.

Yes, His covenant lives on, and there is still a dual interaction between the immaterial Spirit of God and the material synaptic networks of the human brain through the human spirit and soul.

Stan Lennard
Waves forms in our brains, revisited

In my books and a number of blog posts I have presented information that shows the possible role wave forms play in synaptic transmission. Their transmission involves quantum tunneling in ionic channel and synaptic vesicle components. The random/stochastic property of this transmission allows for the immaterial intent/will of an intelligence to generate specified information (with small probabilities) that is actualized with direction through the material components of synapses and their networks. It is a complex and fascinating process that is under investigation by neuroscientists who now have advanced technology to assist their studies.

There is increasing evidence that the “nonmaterial energy” discussed by Dembski and other authors whom I have quoted in my more recent blogs is expressed within the frequencies, amplitudes, shapes and phases of wave forms that are distinct from the material electrochemical energies of action potentials. This nonmaterial energy serves as the “causal glue” (to quote Dembski) between the specified information emanating from a mind and the linguistic codes instantiated within the material spike trains of action potentials that travel through neural synaptic networks to effect intended action. I have endeavored to present this information with documentation to give compelling support to the concept of dualist interaction between the immaterial mind, including the Mind of God, and the material components of the human brain.

My posts will be less frequent since I am continuing my search for current information from the neurosciences that addresses this proposal for mechanism. Studies are underway and data is forthcoming, but it takes time for it to be critiqued and either substantiated or refuted. My fascination and inspiration in my studies rest in the knowledge that our Creator God is the ultimate Source of this information, and we are blessed by His grace to acquire a degree of comprehension of its revelation.

Stan Lennard
Information concluded

I am concluding my series of blog posts dealing with information and give credit to William A. Dembski for the content I have shared. I trust I have succeeded in explaining information, showing just how important it is to science and to our very existence.

I will resume my review of selected articles from primarily peer review scientific literature that addresses the mechanism of synaptic transmission, confirming the dualist interaction between that which is immaterial and which is material. How does the immaterial Mind of God and mind of Man interact with the material components of synaptic networks of the human brain?

Stan Lennard
Etymology of intelligent

Dembski provides an excellent etymology of “intelligent” in his book:

The word intelligent comes from the Latin [language]. It stems from two Latin words, the preposition inter, meaning between, and the Latin . . . verb lego, meaning to choose or select. . . . According to its Latin etymology, intelligence therefore consists in choosing between. In an act of information creation, an intelligence chooses which possibility within a matrix of possibility to actualize. In the ultimate act of information creation, a supreme intelligence chooses which world among all possible worlds to actualize. The world so chosen becomes the real world. . . . Thus, for me, a nonmaterial trinitarian God is the supreme intelligence and ultimate reality. Moreover, this God creates via speech acts. God speaks and things happen. Or, alternatively, God communicates information and new possibilities are actualized.”

Stan Lennard