I have devoted much time studying the means by which the Holy Spirit communes with the mind of repentant mankind in our time, a process restored to fallen mankind by the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and sent as He promised upon His resurrection. I have learned that wave forms are generated by cognition that are transmitted through neural synaptic networks. Wave forms carry specified information within encoded spike trains of action potentials that is transmitted across neural synapses facilitated by quantum tunneling. Because this mechanism was created by God to make personal communion between people possible, it is conceivable that the mechanism is used by the indwelling Holy Spirit to provide Counsel to the mind of people who seek it. It is a process of dualist interaction between the immaterial Mind of the Holy Spirit and the mind of Man and the material components of the brain’s synaptic networks.
I came across an article by Dr. Brad Long entitled “The Four Great Waves of the Holy Spirit,” published January 23, 2020 (https://www.prmi.org/the-four-great-waves-of-the-holy-spirit). He opens his article with “The Father’s master strategy for extending the Gospel to all nations and people on earth began with wave upon wave of the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God to all humanity. . . . “ In Acts 1:8 He states, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Dr. Long continues, “Beginning with Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has worked in successive waves or pulses to advance the Kingdom of God. . . .These pulsations of the Holy Spirit are the pattern of God’s working in the book of Acts. . . .This establishes the reality that while the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was an initial event, it was not to be seen as a single unique event, but rather the beginning of a pattern extending until the return of the King. This also clarifies this usage of ‘filled with the Holy Spirit; as having the same meaning as the ‘Holy Spirit falling upon people for power.’ . . . These waves . . . advance the Kingdom of God by bringing people into the purposes of God, empowering and equipping them to fulfill these purposes.”
I find it interesting that Dr. Long identifies the action of the Holy Spirit as waves. Perhaps we are learning at least in part how the communion between the Holy Spirit and the spirit and soul of mankind occurs, thanks to advances being made in the neurosciences that show concordance between scientific findings and Scripture.