Waves in human communication

Moro makes the following comments at the end of his article:

“The very fact that the majority of human communication takes place via waves may not be a casual fact; after all, waves constitute the purest system of communication since they transfer information from one entity to the other without changing the structure or the composition of the two entities. They travel through us and leave us intact, but they allow us to interpret the message [by the immaterial mind] borne by their momentary [linguistically encoded] vibrations. . . .”

The author shares a very interesting finding in his article:

“. . . we found that the shape of the electric waves recorded in a non-acoustic area of the brain when linguistic expressions are being read silently preserves the same structure as those of the mechanical sound waves of air that would have been produced if those words had actually been uttered. The two families of waves where language lives physically are then closely related - so closely in fact that the two overlap independently of the presence of sound. The acoustic information . . . is part of the [neural] code from the beginning. . . . “

Perhaps this researcher is finding how we hear our thoughts! Perhaps this also applies to our hearing from the indwelling Holy Spirit via linguistic neural codes transmitted through our synaptic networks.

Stan Lennard