I am sharing these comments from Jabay:
“In summary, there are two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Self and the Kingdom of God. If God’s kingdom becomes established in the human heart [soul], it is hardly noticed at first, because we allow God only the smallest control over our wills. King Self surrenders by degrees [in the process of sanctification]. Ego-slaying and obedience are terribly painful, and yet afterward there is a quality of inexpressible joy which the presence of God generates in us. It is a law of the Kingdom of God that we must lose all to find Him. We must die to our egocentrism to be born anew into the eternal Kingdom. Finally, to live under the King who is God, means to live with other persons in a loving, non-violent style of life.”
And I have shown in my books and blogs that the Holy Spirit - God -communes with the repentant, receptive human spirit and soul in our time. Please read my next blog with comments by Jabay.