Cymbala shares a powerful testimony in his book concerning our relationship with the Holy Spirit:
“In the Old Testament we often read that ‘God said such-and-such.’ Likewise, in the gospels there are dozens of places where ‘Jesus said . . . .’ Now the same pattern appears in the book of Acts, only in this case, ‘the Holy Spirit said . . . .’ This, too, is a living, speaking, divine person, the third member of the Trinity. He gives divine leading on what to do in order to advance the church. All of us who say we want to build the Kingdom of God must stop and admit our need of divine leading. There must be a living interaction [Italics added] between us and the Holy Spirit . . . . “
The interaction is between the immaterial Mind of God/his Holy Spirit and the immaterial mind of repentant Man, accomplished through encoded interaction with the neural synaptic networks of the human brain. In my writings I have endeavored to provide a degree of explanation of this created process, a reality in our time.