The Holy Spirit (Billy Graham, 3)

Genesis 2:7 also says that the Lord God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” … clearly man owes his very life to God according to this passage. And the breath of God that started man on his earthly journey was, in fact, the Holy Spirit, as Job 33:4 tells us. (The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.)

It is pointed out in my second book, The Boundless Love of God: A Holy Spirit Story, that the Fall of Adam accounted for the loss of indwelling communion between the Holy Spirit and the spirit and soul of Adam since God does not abide with sin. But by the grace and boundless love of God for mankind through the sin sacrifice of HIs Son, Jesus Christ, the indwelling has been restored to those who are in repentance and choose to follow the Counsel of the Holy Spirit sent as promised by the resurrected and living Jesus Christ.

Stan Lennard