Gordon Fee shared that “most Christians have little trouble relating to the Father and the Son because of the personal images involved and the reality of the incarnation - even though they know that God is Spirit (John 4:24). But it is otherwise with the Spirit, where Christian understanding falls considerably short of personhood. . . . As Paul put it, the glory of God has been imaged for us in the one true human who bears the divine image, Christ himself; and by beholding his ‘face’ we see the glory of the eternal God (2 Cor 3:18; 4:4, 6). . . . we must recognize the same to be true about the Spirit, . . . Christ has put a human face on the Spirit as well. Not only has the coming of Christ changed everything for Paul, so too has the coming of the Spirit. In dealing with the Spirit, we are dealing with none other than the personal presence of God.”
As I have shared in my books and blogs the Mind of God thus interacts with the mind of Man through God’s created neural synaptic networks, a communion restored by the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ in repentant believers in our time.