In lieu of writing a third book, I have chosen to offer posts on the blog of my website that expand on the points presented in my two books. Dualist interaction between the immaterial and material has been defended, hopefully in a compelling manner. Concordance between Scripture and neuroscience and information theory has been demonstrated. The case has been made for indwelling of the Holy Spirit in people who are repentant and faithfully seek to follow the Counsel of the Holy Spirit. That Christian faith is evidential has been explained through Biblical and contemporary descriptions of personal events and experiences, so that we can believe in the Truth of the Holy Spirit as Counselor and Helper in our time.
The next posts on this blog will feature quotes in italics from Billy Graham’s book, The Holy Spirit: Activating God’s Power in Your Life. Doctor Graham’s worldwide evangelical ministry was guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer and with unrelenting faith, explaining to millions the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Before he died, Pope John was asked what church doctrine most needed emphasis today. He replied, "The doctrine of the Holy Spirit.” Billy Graham asked Dr. Karl Barth what he thought the next emphasis on theology would be. He replied without hesitation, “The Holy Spirit.”
Doctor Graham expressed concern over the misunderstanding and even ignorance in some Christian circles concerning the Third Person of the Trinity. How the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit relate is explained as follows: …we say that we pray to the Father through the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit. …functionally the Father came first, then the Son became incarnate, died and rose again. Now the Spirit does His work in this age of the Spirit….trinitarianism preserves the unity of the Godhead, and at the same time it acknowledges that there are three persons in that Godhead which is still of one essence. God is one, but that oneness is not simple - it is complex. God the Father is fully God. God the Son is fully God. God the Holy Spirit is fully God. The Bible presents this as fact….although the Father is the Source of all blessing, it is through the Holy Spirit at work in us that all truth becomes living and operative in our lives.
I have presented evidence from neuroscience in my books and in several blogs posted to date that confirm dualist interaction between the immaterial Spirit of God and the human spirit and soul through the material neural synaptic networks of the human brain. The human cognitive capacity to interpret linguistic neural codes actualized within spike trains of action potentials enables work of the Holy Spirit within us.