The God-Man Jesus Christ

Ryrie commented on the birth of Jesus Christ. I quote:

“The result of the Virgin Birth was the Incarnation. A human nature was conceived, not a person, for the second person of the Trinity existed always. With the conception of the human nature the God-man came into existence, although His humanity was a perfect one. This means that although the components of humanity were present (except a sin nature), it was a sinless human nature, not merely a sanctified human nature. Our Lord in His humanity possessed a body (Luke 2:52), a soul (Matthew 26:38), and a spirit (Mark 2:8). But the incarnation also brought limitation - not any limitation of a moral nature but only those amoral limitations of humanity, such as the need to sleep and eat. In other words, nothing was missing from His humanity that is essential to perfect humanity and nothing was added that was nonhuman.”

Stan Lennard