
In my books I discuss the process of sanctification which in neurological terms involves synaptic plasticity. I am pleased to include in this post a paragraph from Samples’ book that speaks powerfully to sanctification:

“Redemption of humans comes through having faith (confident trust and reliance) in Jesus Christ’s perfect life, atoning death, and glorious bodily resurrection from the dead. Upon regeneration (spiritual rebirth, John 3:3), the Holy Spirit implants a new, righteous nature in the justified-by-faith sinner (Romans 5:1). However, a person’s sin-affected nature remains even after conversion; that is why Christians still struggle significantly with sin (1 John 1:8-10). Conversion or initial salvation is the beginning, not the end, of a long, challenging, and dynamical process of transformation called sanctification (being set apart) and internally transformed to do God’s will.”

And it is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in repentant believers that provides counsel and help in this process by God’s grace.

Stan Lennard