Primal act of information

Dembski asks a challenging and important question, “. . . what is more real, material objects or the information characteristic of material objects? I would say the information. . . . We live, move and have our being inside a matrix of information. We have no way of getting outside that matrix. Moreover, according to the Judeo-Christian account of creation, there may be no outside. If creation is, as this religious tradition teaches, an effected word spoken by God, then creation itself is a primal informational act. Moreover, the outworking of this creation in all its details will then be a series of echoes stemming from that primal act. Given such an account of creation, the search for a substratum of reality more basic than information would be futile.”

Dembski’s comments speak to the reality that the ultimate source of information is a mind, in this case the Mind of God. In the next blog post I will include Dembski’s comments in a footnote that expand on this point.

Stan Lennard