My Personal Testimony

E. Stan Lennard, M.D., Sc.D.

To those of you who are visiting my website I wish to provide a background for my twenty years of apologetics research that has resulted in this website and blogs.  I was born in Central Texas to Christian parents and was raised in the church with a Christian extended family.  I was taught the basics of Christianity but without an understanding of the Holy Spirit.  Though the Apostle's Creed was recited at each church service I received no specific instruction about Him. (This is a shared experience with many church goers, as I have learned!)  I progressed through my formal education focusing on the sciences as I prepared for my medical career which spanned for just over 30 years.  During this time I still thirsted to know about the Holy Spirit.  I came to know much about the medical and natural sciences but had no depth of knowledge of theology, why and what I believed. 

In 1987 I heard a presentation by Dr. Hugh Ross.  The ministry he founded in 1986 has a profound message giving people reasons to believe in the truth of Christianity and in Jesus Christ.  The ministry’s mission is to show that science and faith are allies, integrating science and faith respectfully and with integrity.  The name of the ministry is appropriately Reasons To Believe.  I maintained an association with the ministry for 25 years, working in a number of capacities.  Through its vast resources I deepened my knowledge of Christianity and have come to know what and why I believe as a Christian. 

In 1986 I met the woman who is my wife, a woman with a Christian heritage and experience with teaching about the Holy Spirit.  I loved my conversations with her, and I began to quench my thirst for knowledge of the Holy Spirit.  Through RTB I became a certified apologist, taught for eleven years in the online educational program of the ministry and began research into the dual interaction between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit, soul and the neural synaptic networks of the brain.  My research required me to obtain a working knowledge of quantum mechanics and information theory that apply to the means of interaction between the immaterial Mind of God and mind of Man and the material human brain.  My research has resulted in four articles and two books.  I am eager to share what I have learned about the Holy Spirit with readers, friends and family.  I know I am saved by the grace and love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ who restored the direct, personal, loving communion between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit and soul. I now have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and desire the same for you.

Stan Lennard