My Next Blog

E. Stan Lennard, M. D., Sc. D.

            In my next blog I will explain in general terms how the cognitive mind of humans interacts with the synaptic networks of their brains.  I described this complex activity in both of my books, and I show how dualist interaction applies to the process - how the immaterial mind interacts causally with the material brain and its synaptic networks.

            With the passing of each year neuroscientists gain more knowledge of this incredibly complex process by applying advancing technologies, and there is so much more to learn!  (It shows the awesome magnificence and power of the Mind of God in whose image the mind of Man was created!)  It is important to note, however, that much of the perspective shared in their literature and books considers the brain like a computer, a data processor, or the neuroscientists reduce all the mechanisms of the mind, such as attention and will, to the Darwinian evolved physical brain, a perspective referred to as materialist reductionism.  Dualist interaction is not accepted in their views. That aspects of cognition, of the mind, are immaterial is a nonstarter, much less having causal effects on synaptic networks.

            But, in my ongoing research I am also witnessing an increasing number of neuroscientists, as well as philosophers of science and physicists, accepting the evidence that indeed dualist interactionism is a reality, that the material brain cannot account for the mind with its quantum mechanical features.  Many even acknowledge the reality of the action of God on the mind of Man. But an understanding of this process is fleeting, and it has been the challenging focus of my apologetics research these past 20 years.  It has been a most humbling experience for me as a medical scientist and Christian!  So, do not expect me to give definitive answers to this issue.  I will do my best to share what I have learned, finding concordance between theology and science on many levels. 

My next blog will be entitled, “Waves in Our Brains,” and the blog that will follow it  will address the comment in my hypothesis, “…IT IS PROPOSED THAT A NONMATERIAL ENERGY FROM THE MIND OF GOD INDUCES THE SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION OF SPECIFIED INFORMATION TO THE MIND OF MAN….” Just what is this “nonmaterial energy?”  We know that energy exists in wave forms that even define the constitution of matter with varying frequencies and amplitudes, and we shall see that waves abound in the mechanisms of neural synaptic transmission.  Can wave transmission explain, at least in part, how human minds interact, how the Mind of God interacts with the mind of Man? 

Stan Lennard