In my next blogs I shall include comments and quotations from several authors in neuroscience that describe the complex, wonderful molecular motors of synaptic transmission. These discoveries have been made possible by advances in technology and expand on the theories of such neuroscientists as John Eccles, Friedrich Beck, Thomas Sudhof, Danko Georgiev and others whom I have quoted in previous blog posts and in my books.
Why am I including these blogs? We remember that all aspects of synaptic transmission have been created by God, providing for what God always intended for His relationship with humankind, a bidirectional, personal communion between God and Man. No, it is not necessary for one to understand the how of this communion, but there are those for whom an understanding will lend strength to their faith, based on evidence of such a relationship spoken to in Scripture and restored by the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ who sent as He promised the Holy Spirit to indwell us in repentance.