Life in the Sonship of Christ

Most certainly, beyond all worlds, unconditioned and unimaginable, transcending discursive thought, there yawns for ever the ultimate Fact, the fountain of all other facthood, the burning and undimensioned depth of the Divine Life. Most certainly also, to be united with that Life in the eternal Sonship of Christ is, strictly speaking, the only thing worth a moment’s consideration. . . . I allow and insist that the Eternal Word, the Second Person of the Trinity, can never be, nor have been, confined to any place at all: it is rather in Him that all places exist. But the records say that the glorified, but still in some sense corporeal, Christ withdrew into some different mode of being about six weeks after the Crucifixion: and that He is “preparing a place" for us. (C. S. Lewis, Miracles)

As I state in my books, by God’s grace in our repentance we have had the direct, personal communion with the Holy Spirit restored by the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In this sense we “already” have a real glimpse of the eternal Life to come in the Sonship of Christ, but it is “not yet” fulfilled in our present space-time. It is our eternal Hope.

Stan Lennard