Inspiration by the Holy Spirit

Ryrie discussed the role of the Holy Spirit in inspiration, especially as it applied to the Bible. He said, “Spiration (breathing out) rather than inspiration (breathing into) would be a better word to use in that reference. The verse [2 Timothy 3:16] simply says that the Scripture is God-produced without mentioning any of the means God may have used in producing it or the result of its production.”

I have endeavored in my research to identify possible means by which Scripture was produced and how we hear from the Holy Spirit in our time by the process of dualist interaction, the neural synapse being the model for my investigations. Perhaps we are getting a little more understanding of this process thanks to advances being made in the neurosciences. Ryrie continues:

“. . . behind the human was the divine author of revelation, the Holy Spirit. Peter, referring to Old Testament prophecy, declared that ‘men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God; (2 Peter 1:21). The agents were men; the source was God; and the single author moving the human instruments was the Holy Spirit. The word moved indicates that the Spirit bore the human writers along as He directed their writings. . . . man’s will (including his will to make mistakes) did not bring us the Scriptures; rather, the Holy Spirit, who cannot err, did.”

Stan Lennard