Immaterial information, 2

I continue citing Kyle Butt:

“Information is not material or physical. It is something that can be transferred via material media like pen, ink, voice, sand, air, etc. [It can also be transferred/transmitted via semaphore, the genetic code, telegraph, the neural code.] But its substance is something completely different from the medium used to convey the message. Millions of processes everyday deal strictly with information. From DNA to desktop computers, multiplied millions of processes focus primarily on information. This information can be transferred, translated, decoded, and encoded into a host of different physical media without ever altering the actual information.

“So what does this mean? If information is not material, and information does exist, then some things that are not material do exist. One of those immaterial beings is God. The Bible says that God is Spirit (John 4:24). He is the great Knower, the master Giver of information, Who sustains all things by ‘the word of His power’ (Hebrews 1:3).” [And I would add that God is the Ultimate Source of all information that has been instantiated in His creations.]

Stan Lennard