Highest brain mechanism

In my book, Nerve Endings of the Soul: Interaction Between the Mind of God and the Mind of Man through Neural Synaptic Networks, I share Dr. Penfield’s comments about what he called “the brain’s highest mechanism.”

The highest brain mechanism . . . should itself understand, and reason, and direct voluntary action, and decide where attention should be turned and what the computer [brain] must learn, and record, and reveal on demand.”

I posit in my book that Penfield’s highest brain mechanism interacts with the will, intention and attention of the individual Self. . . . Penfield refers to the highest brain mechanism as the mind’s executive. By some means the executive accepts direction from the mind and passes it on to various mechanisms of the brain conforming, I suggest, to the liaison brain proposed by Eccles and Popper that serves as the resource for neural codes specified for certain neural functions. Penfield goes on to say that decisions come from the mind, and “in conformity with the mind’s decision, the highest mechanism sends neuronal messages [encoded]to the other mechanisms in the brain,” again in conformity with with Eccles’ and Popper’s liaison brain. . . . Penfield posits that the messages go as neuronal potentials arranged in a specified pattern [linguistic neural codes] to the appropriate target grey matter, requiring the subject’s mind to interpret what the pattern represents in terms of meaning and purpose.

Stan Lennard