God's agent of change

“Humanity faces two great spiritual dilemmas. The first is what to do about our past sins and transgressions, which separate us from God and produce a guilty conscience. This sense of condemnation makes us shrink from any communion with God - the very thing for which we were created. But Jesus came and gave his life so we could be freed from all that. The ugly record can be erased and our names written in the Book of Life through the blood that Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary.

“But then comes the second problem we all face: How can we be changed [sanctified] so that we don’t go on repeating the same old sins in the future? How will we rise above the moral pollution of compulsive sin that caused us to need Jesus in the first place? Unless Someone can get inside [Italics added] us and overhaul the very fabric of our being, we will continue to live sinful lives that grieve God.

“God provided a salvation that does more than just forgive our record of past wrongs. He provided victory over inward desires [dying to self] through the person of the [indwelling] Holy Spirit.”


Stan Lennard