I continue with a quote taken from Miracles by C. S. Lewis:
Let us dare to say that God is a particular Thing. Once He was the only Thing: but He is creative, He made other things to be, He is not those other things. He is not “universal being”: if He were there would be no creatures, for a generality can make nothing. He is “absolute being” - or rather the Absolute Being - in the sense that He alone exists in HIs own right. But there are things which God is not. In that sense He has a determinate character. Thus He is righteous, not a-moral; creative, not inert. The Hebrew writings here observe an admirable balance. Once God says simply I AM, proclaiming the mystery of self-existence. But times without number He says, “I am the Lord - I, the ultimate Fact, have this determinate character, and not that. And men are exhorted to know the Lord,” to discover and experience this particular character.
By the restoration of direct communion between the Holy Spirit and the spirit and soul of repentant mankind through the sin sacrifice of Jesus Christ on behalf of fallen mankind we can come to a personal, intimate knowledge of God the Father.