Conviction by the Holy Spirit

Ryrie offers comments about conviction by the Holy Spirit leading to a life of righteousness patterned after the person and life of Jesus Christ:

“. . . the Spirit is able to convince men that Jesus is the righteous Savior who will justify those who put their trust in Him. . . . The Holy Spirit persuades men that the same judgment that overtook Satan will come upon them if they persist in rejecting Christ. . . . How does the Spirit convict? Several means may be involved. The Spirit may speak directly to people’s consciences [the main focus of my research into dualist interaction between the Mind of God and the mind of Man through the created neural synaptic networks of the human brain]. He may use the Bible, or someones’s testimony, or the Word preached. But even though people and things may be involved in conviction, it is ultimately the Holy Spirit who convicts. . . . If sin has affected people so that they are slaves to sin and unable to do that which is pleasing to God for eternal salvation (Romans 6:20-23), then salvation requires the intervention of the work of the Spirit in the effectual calling of sinners. People cannot respond to the point of being saved without it.”

Stan Lennard