Concordance between Scripture and neuroscience

I have been posting excerpts from Scripture to demonstrate the concordance that exists between it and neuroscience when both are properly interpreted in context. We see that the resurrected Jesus Christ sent, as He promised, the Holy Spirit to indwell repentant people to provide counsel and direction. My books and blog posts have provided evidence from the neurosciences of how, at least in part, communion could be accomplished between the Holy Spirit and the spirit and soul of mankind through neural synaptic networks. I continue to search the neuroscience literature to provide compelling evidence for the truth of this interaction, but reductive materialism still claims the day in most articles I review. I will continue to do my best to post additional evidence for dualist interactionism between the immaterial Mind of God and the mind of Man through the material synaptic networks of the human brain. I do this to offer evidence to grow faith in the reality of the love of God for His creation, Man, with whom He desires to have a personal bidirectional communion.

Stan Lennard