I continue with excerpts from Jones’ article:
“Now a cognitive capacity can only know those things which it is like or structured to know. For example, the eyes cannot apprehend sounds because they are only structured to apprehend certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. similarly for the ears. so as the body is essentially material, the mind can only apprehend material entities through it. but since the mind through reason and intellect apprehends natures which are non-material, the mind must be non-material and different from the body. . . . the goal of this argument is to show that there is a metaphysical distinction between the mind/soul and the body: that is, the body is a material reality while the mind/soul is immaterial.”
dualist interactionism is a concept that supports causal interaction between the immaterial mind/soul and the material components of the body, mediated specifically through the synaptic networks of the human brain.