Christian prophecy

Shawn Bolz has authored a book on modern prophecy, on hearing God’s voice. God restored our capacity to interact with the voice of God by His grace through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hearing from the indwelling Holy Spirit is the major focus of my books and my blogs on this website. It is a dualist interaction actualized in our time via the neural synaptic networks of the human brain. I wish to share several quotations from his book, Modern Prophets: A Toolkit for Everyone on Hearing God’s Voice , which parallel points I have made in these forums.

Nothing in our Christian experience is quite as wonderful as getting to know God and hearing His heart in real time. The God of all the universe wired us on an intellectual, neurological, biological, emotional and, of course, spiritual level to hear from him and to know Him. As we pursue Him through His Word, we will have experiences with Him. These experiences always confirm His nature, His Word, and His will.

God is a relator. He made you for connection and His strongest desire is for relationship with you! He cares about every aspect of His creation, and through His Spirit, He is restoring His original plan and design to humanity. This can only truly happen, though, if we hear Him!

What is in the heart of God is made possible through HIs voice. An awesome thing about God’s voice is that His children recognize it: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27, NKJV)

Stan Lennard