Biblical confirmation

In the last several blogs I have shared summaries of a few studies from the neurosciences suggesting that cognition generates wave forms that are interactive with specific regions of the brain. The immaterial mind appears to interact with synaptic networks of the brain through waveforms that in turn are instantiated within spike trains of action potentials that transmit specified information in linguistic neural codes. In the next blogs I will share verses from Scripture that suggest that specified information may have been received by Jesus during his ministry, perhaps via this mode of communication between the spirit and soul of individuals identified in the Scriptures cited and the Holy Spirit who indwelled Jesus after his baptism. I share these Scriptures as “food for thought.” Are we coming closer to at least a partial understanding of the means of communion between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit and soul, including the human spirit and soul of the God-Man, Jesus Christ? Is dualist interactionism pertinent only within individuals, or can it apply to communion between individuals? “Food for thought.”

Stan Lennard