Ryrie shares comments that clarify what being baptized by the Holy Spirit means:
“The baptizing work of the Spirit is the means of associating us with the crucifixion of Christ (Colossians 2:12 and especially Romans 6:1-10) in our dying to the old life. Being associated by baptism unto His death, burial and resurrection is the basis for the crucifixion of the believer’s sin nature and his victory over sin. Crucifixion involves death, but death is not extinction; rather it is separation. So our co-crucifixion with Christ does not mean that our old nature becomes extinct; rather, we are separated from its domain and dominion so that we can live in a new way of life. . . . water baptism vividly pictures outwardly what the Spirit does for the believer inwardly. The baptism by the Spirit does not necessarily mean a special endowment with power. It places us in a position in Christ that enables us to receive power. . . . You were baptized when you believed, and that joined you to the body of Christ, never to be amputated from that body. Sin in the believer’s life is serious, but it does not cut us off from our secure position in Christ.”