Accessing spiritual reality

as research continues concerning the potential application of quantum dots to the study of dual interactionism, i will be posting blogs that deal with the greater topic, understanding our relationship with the personal holy spirit.

gavin ortlund wrote a book entitled why god makes sense in a world that doesn’t: the beauty of christian theism. i am posting selected excerpts from his book that show the reality of god, giving us motivation to know him personally through his indwelling spirit. an objective of my research and writing is to share the reality of a bidirectional interaction with the holy spirit and how that works, at least in part.

“theologian thomas torrance describes scientific progress as accessing rather than surpassing spiritual reality, and he speaks of ‘an ascending gradient of meaning’ in which the spiritual realm is the ultimate animating cause of the material. this vision of the interrelation of the spiritual and physical realms is a classical christian instinct.”

Stan Lennard